Specialized homework guidance
Specialized homework guidance
Are you looking for guidance for doing your homework? Then you came to the right place!
Monday to Friday from 12:30pm to 5:00pm, we offer specialized group guidance to children who benefit from extra guidance and structure.
- 1 guide per 4 children.
- Maximum 8 children per group.
- Healthy hot meal where the allergies of your child are taken into account.
- Drinks, fruit and snacks.
- Specialized in children who benefit from extra guidance and structure.
- Intensive personal guidance.
- Open during school holidays, except for national holidays,
- Tailor made guidance.
- Client management system.
- Care plan.

Each afternoon we follow the following program. The children are welcomed at our facility between 12:30pm and 13:00pm. Directly afterward we will enjoy a healthy warm meal. After lunch all children will be working on their homework assignments for 2 hours. We will guide your child in planning, making and learning the homework tasks. These 2 hours are divided in smaller blocks, making it easier for the children to focus on the task at hand. We work in small groups, which enables us to offer intensive personal guidance with planning, making and learning tasks. After the hard work, there is time for some serious fun, with focus on social interactions and personal goals.
We work in groups of maximum 8 children, with 2 supervisors, so that we have enough time to offer each child individual support. Of course, we will take care of a hot lunch, drinks and a snack. Between 5:00pm and 5:30pm, the children can be picked up again by their parents.
Is your child in a special needs school or doesn’t he or she have any homework assignments yet? This is the best way of preparing your child for that moment that homework will become a part of their life. We will take care of special assignments to prepare your child for that moment.
We will create an individual care plan for each child, with concrete goals where we will be working on. Parents can stay up to date using our online client management system and keep track of their child’s achievements.
During holidays, we can offer a full day care from 8:00am tot 5:00pm. In the morning, we will spend some time on homework and school skills. Afterwards, there will be a lot of time for fun activities.

We can offer the following prices:
- 1 afternoon per week: 209 NAf per month
- 2 afternoons per week: 409 NAf per month
- 3 afternoons per week: 604 NAf per month
- 4 afternoons per week: 789 NAf per month
- 5 afternoons per week: 944 NAf per month
- Extra afternoon: 55 NAf per afternoon
If your child is picked up after 5:30pm, we will charge you 25 NAf per half hour.
Is your child already in this program, and you want whole day care during the school holidays? This is available for 55 NAf per day for the morning (7:30 AM-12:30 PM).
We do not charge any other fees like ‘registration fee’ or ‘yearly contribution’. Do you want more information about our approach? Contact us for a free initial interview where we can identify your child’s needs and explain our unique way of working. Of course, this is without any obligation. Contact us using the contact form or WhatsApp.